Major & Minor Auto Tune Up in Waterford Township, Michigan

When you’re feeling under the weather, you head to your doctor correct? He tells you what you need to do and take in order to get back into fighting shape. Well cars need the same kind of attention. Cars are machines and regardless of the amazing advances made in the automotive world, they are still prone to breaking down and needing the occasional check-up.

A car tune up consists of a few different things: the air filter and fuel filter will be replaced, spark plugs replacement, air in the tires and occasionally they will vacuum the interior. Depending on the facility that you go to, the car tune up cost can be varying amounts. For some it can be anywhere from $100 to $250. While it may seem like a high price for a quick tune-up, an auto tune up cost is not as important as the potential cost and risk you can miss out on by having these performed regularly. Oftentimes, the technician performing your tune up can foresee problems that might be slightly problematic but can become much bigger like low oil or unbalanced suspension.

Every car needs a little TLC every once in a while to keep in the best shape and performance, while you may think that auto tune up cost is too expensive, repairing and replacing parts you hadn’t realized were damage because you never went in to for a tune-up, can be even more expensive. So bring in your sick cars to the Datsun Doctor. We have many years of experience dealing with Asian manufactured cars and the repairs they need. The Good Doctor is in and he is here to make sure that your car stays running as efficiently and as safely as possible. Call today to make an appointment!